CyberTelecom News
Federal Internet Law and Policy
"Only the suppressed word is dangerous."
Ludwig Boerne, An Kundigurg der Wage (1818)
Tiered pricing comes to the Internet backbone, Ars Technica
Say you need to reach,
and the relevant Web server sits in a Vladivostok data center. But
Hyperlocal Internet, your Internet provider, has no direct connection
to the Vladivostok hosting company's Internet provider. So how to send
your request for a Web page across the Bering Sea?
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GPS Systems Threatened by Wireless Data Proposal, Radio World
This is one of those odd stories that illustrate the way business and
government sometimes work together to build new and powerful
communications systems. The outcome could affect many consumers who
own and use GPS guidance systems in their cars or for outdoor
recreation. To a certain degree, it could affect radio engineers.
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GPS industry group denies responsibility for interference issues, The Hill
Global Positioning System device makers fired back at wireless startup
LightSquared in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission on
Monday, claiming they are not responsible for interference problems
between their devices and LightSquared's planned network.
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LightSquared blasts GPS naysayers in FCC letter, Register
LightSquared, the US operator hoping to camp beside the GPS
frequencies, has written to the FCC accusing the GPS industry of
failing to comply with the Department of Defence standards.
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Police Say They Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have 'No
Apparent Esthetic Value', Techdirt
Apparently the police in Long Beach, California, have a policy that
says if a police officer determines that a photographer is taking
photos of something with "no apparent esthetic value," they can detain
them. This revelation came after photographer Sander Roscoe Wolff was
taking the following photo:
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New Research: Internet Censorship To Stop Protests... Actually
Increases Protests, Techdirt
We've been arguing for a while that attempts by various governments to
shut down forms of communication during protests and riots only serves
to make protesters and rioters angrier. Some new (quite timely)
research, pointed out by Mathew Ingram, seems to agree that internet
censorship tends to make such problems worse. The research is a quick
read, and certainly goes further than efforts like L. Gordon Crovitz's
"it's okay if the world didn't end."
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Why Net Censorship in Times of Political Unrest Results in More
Violent Uprisings: A Social Simulation Experiment on the UK Riots
Antonio A. Casilli Telecom ParisTech Paola Tubaro University of
Greenwich August 14, 2011
Following the 2011 wave of political unrest, going from the Arab
Spring to UK riots, the formation of a large consensus around Internet
censorship is underway. Beyond all political consideration of
consequences in terms of freedom of expression, the present paper
adopts a social simulation approach to show that the decision to
"regulate" or restrict social media in situations of civil unrest
results in higher levels of violence. Building on Epstein's (2002)
agent based model, several alternative scenarios are generated.
Systemic optimum, represented by complete absence of censorship, not
only corresponds to lower levels of violence over time, but allows for
cant periods of social peace after each outburst.
Bandwidth Caps – One Year Later, Wireless Cowboys
The money generated by UBB is helping us build a better network that
can meet the needs of our customer base even as they double and triple
their typical bandwidth utilization.
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Comcast offers IPv6 in Michigan, CW
Comcast has added Michigan to its list of states - including
Pennsylvania, California, Colorado, Illinois and Florida -- where the
cable ISP is offering services that support the next-generation
Internet standard known as IPv6.
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Tracking IPv6 evolution slideset, CAIDA
This slideset was presented at the Chinese-American Networking
Symposium (CANS) in August 2011.
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Web surfing a boon to productivity, study shows, Globe and Mail
Banning Net use on company time found to be counterproductive
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Phone snooping 'prevented riot', BBC
Police say they prevented attacks by rioters on the Olympic site and
London's Oxford Street after picking up intelligence on social
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Inquiry on Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the
Internet Economy, Fed Reg
The Department of Commerce's Internet Policy Task Force is conducting
a comprehensive review of the relationship between the availability
and protection of online copyrighted works and innovation in the
Internet economy. The Department, the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO), and the National
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Memo to newspapers: The future of media is a two-way street, Gigaom
Plenty of newspapers and other mainstream media entities are happy to
use social tools like Twitter and Facebook to promote their content,
host comments on their news stories in order to build traffic, and
otherwise try and take advantage of the web. But while some are making
strides in actually connecting with their readers — including Forbes
magazine, which just launched a new "social news" design — few are
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FTC Fines Mobile App Company for COPPA Violations, Daily Dashboard
In a press release, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that
it has fined a mobile apps developer $50,000 for violating the
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The FTC alleges that
the company, which has settled with the agency, collected and stored
tens of thousands of e-mail addresses of children under the age of 13
without parental consent and allowed users to post messages and
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New Paper on Online Child Safety, Kids' Privacy & Internet Free
Speech, Tech Lib Front
My latest Mercatus Center white paper is entitled "Kids, Privacy, Free
Speech & the Internet: Finding The Right Balance." From the intro:
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Feds Stumble on Social Media Security, Privacy, Ecommerce Times
U.S. government agencies are moving quickly to incorporate social
media into their IT programs. For organizations with huge public
constituencies, adopting Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as major
communication channels makes a lot of sense. However, in the rush to
utilize social media, federal agencies
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Police Try To Bring Wiretapping Charges Against Woman Who Filmed Them
Beating A Man, Techdirt
For the past year, we've talked a lot about how police and some courts
have been abusing wiretapping laws to go after people who film the
police in public. Thankfully, more recently, it appears that more and
more courts have been smacking down such lawsuits, and those who are
bringing them are regularly being scolded. Not everyone has received
the message however. For example, there's police officer Michael
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Yes Virginia, Big Brother is following you on Twitter, Gigaom
If you're concerned about the rise of the "surveillance society," in
which the authorities use cameras and other means to snoop on your
activities, the past week or so has probably added even more fuel to
that fire. The British intelligence service is doing its best to crack
encrypted BlackBerry instant messages to identify rioters — and the
police are using facial recognition to do the same — while some
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Report: Spam is at a two-year high, CW
Spam - particularly the kind with malicious attachments - is
exploding, reaching a two-year high overall, which includes the spike
last fall just before the SpamIt operation folded its doors, a
security firm says
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FCC looking into BART mobile phone shutdown, CW
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is looking into last week's
shutdown of mobile phone services on a San Francisco commuter train
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FCC reviewing SF subway cell shutdown, CNET
Anonymous plans "peaceful" protest and encourages people to use Wi-Fi
and Bluetooth if BART shuts down cell service again.
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SF subway closes stations during peaceful protest, CNET
BART police say crowded station posed safety concern, so stations
closed during commuter rush hour.
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